Anyhow, since it is Stash Appreciation Wednesday and I've missed the last two weeks, I'll share one of my recent acquisitions from Ravelry.

It's Wollmeise, dudes. Only one of the most coveted fingering weight yarns on the market, and it seems that it really does live up to the hype - massive yardage, soft, and incredible colors. It has such an interesting construction; the first time I saw it, I thought it was a cotton although it's just a multi-plied, tightly twisted wool yarn.

It's destined to become some twisted stitch knee socks for a private reading that I'm doing.
On an unrelated topic, I found a great use of a shibori scarf I finished back in August!

How are your outfits always SO. ADORABLE?
And mmmm, yummm, Woolmeise knee socks...
Hey thanks! I like to start with something really simple and then make it interesting by throwing on something slightly weird (and hopefully knitted).
I'm so excited to start making socks... now, to finish all the other projects I'm working on!
Yay for Bethany!
Where was the 2nd yarn picture taken? Some warehouse?
It was actually taken in Java Zone! I had to turn the exposure way up to get enough light, though, so it made the background sort of blurry and industrial-looking.
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