One of the first things I did after finals was get a new haircut. One that turned this secret disaster area of a hairdo - the sheer number of split ends hiding in that deceptive shiny mess was truly astounding -

- into a hairstyle made of awesomeness and manageability. How many people can actually tell the difference? Hrmmm, not so many. But look! I has a cute hair flower!

And, in accordance with an agreement that my knitting buddy Bethany and I made, I cast on for Crown Prince the day after my last final. I'm another twenty or so rows past this by now, and every so often I have to spread it out and sigh with admiration. I'm so, so addicted, to both Estonian lace and this yarn, Zephyr wool-silk, and have been knitting on it through the Grey's Anatomy finale (ohmygod, no two hours of television have ever given me a heart attack like that before - good show, dudes) and the Lost finale (AHHHHHHHHH). I wove fabric out of it for my weaving private reading this semester, as well - it's super soft and already has incredible drape, even unblocked.

How have you been?
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