Monday, October 10, 2011

FO: Toya Pakeh Scarf


I went on a little bit of a finishing spree last week.  This tends to happen a lot when I have a bunch of projects cast on: they all seem to drag on forever, until finally I hit a week or so when I finish a project every few days, and my blocking board gets a serious workout.  I finally cast off this scarf in the middle of last week, soaked and blocked it in my newly cleaned studio.


This scarf is an exercise in subtlety and comfort.  I learned to knit on a simple basketweave scarf like this when I was 17.  I've found that they're a great present for non-knitters, because they are cozy, look great in a variety of yarns, and wearable.  Because of this, I've knit about a billion of them for other people, but this scarf is the first I've ever knit for myself.


I've always found that when my creative life gets bogged down with complicated patterns, deadlines, and groan-inducing finishing, it's nice to step back and make something simple.  A wooly palate cleanser.

This handspun that I bought in Oberlin had been in deep, deep stash for three or so years, and I'm really happy with how it knit up.  I had three different balls of it, so I was worried that I'd have to alternate every two rows.  Instead, I used the three balls in order of their relative color composition, and it worked out that there's just enough color change to make subtle stripes.  I have no idea where I joined all of them in.


The weather in Seattle has just turned cold, so this scarf is just in time for chilly days.  I have a grey trench coat that I've been wearing, and I've been loving the mint green/dark grey combination lately.  I have a feeling that this scarf will get quite a workout in the next few months.

Pattern: My own
Needles: Size 9 Addi Turbos
Yarn: Handspun from Ginko Gallery, Oberlin, Ohio

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