Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Kickstarter: 9th Annual NYFA Student-Run Fashion Show

Disclaimer: Shameless School Promotion!

This last weekend was New York Fashion Academy's silent auction, which is benefitting our annual student-run fashion show in April.  We had some awesome donations from local businesses and individual donors, including The Tea Cozy yarn shop in Ballard, Two Little Indians jewelry, Smith's yarn shop and Bead Paradise in Oberlin, and women from the amazing and generous Issaquah Tinkers group that I knit with on Fridays.

Thanks to our generous donors and the hard work of my fellow senior classmates, we surpassed our goal of $2,000 for the evening.

But our work isn't done yet.

It costs about $10,000 to put on the show - this is for essential things like fire insurance, lights, sound, setup and takedown, and chair and equipment rentals.  We're a small school with a small student body, and our goal for this year is to raise as much of that $10,000 as we possibly can.  We have several reasons for this goal: we want to put on the best damn fashion show in Seattle; we want to take responsibility for the financial backing of this show; and we want to set a great example for the students that will come after us.

So, to that end, there is currently a Kickstarter in progress, closing on December 7th, to raise another $3,000 for the show.  There is a video with some of my fellow designers and more information about what the money will go towards, as well as on donation levels and prizes (yay prizes!).  

You can donate anywhere between $1 and as much as you want, and we appreciate every single donation, big and small.  This fashion show couldn't happen without the support we've received from our local community, and we are incredibly grateful for your contributions.

Thanks for reading, and have a great day!

Images credit Andy Dopieralski and Erin Weathers.

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