Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Stitchjones Design Challenge Pattern Release: Pow!

pow5 pow2pow pow3

Aside from a moment in college when I wore slacks and plain t-shirts every day, I've noticed that I choose things based on a deep, irrational pull that I've felt towards them, even - or maybe especially? - if they're the weirdest thing I've ever seen. Glittery trapeze dress? Yes. Pants in a neon tropical fish print? Yesss. This boxy rayon dress with pockets and a checkerboard/rose/watercolor design on it? Yessssss!!!!

And thinking back on it, I had these kinds of clothes as a kid, too: a turquoise t-shirt with frolicking dolphins on it, a white crocheted dress, a pair of hot pink jelly shoes. I couldn't describe why I loved these things, only that I did.

More and more, I've grown to trust that intuition - to design based on what I feel pulled towards, like a weirdo plant leaning towards the sun.

And so, in honor of that: here's Pow! It came to me as a feeling: a sense of joy and playfulness, a picture drawn in comic-book dots - and for an extra bit of fun, Sharon from Stitchjones and I chatted and decided to name the colorway Jelly Shoes. :D

I hope you like it as much as I do!

It's available for download for $6.00, or you can check out the details on Ravelry on the Pow! pattern page.

Happy Wednesday, friends - and if you haven't already, don't forget to check out the other Stitchjones Design Challenge posts below, including the link to Noriko's awesome mitt pattern, Torrance!


Stitchjones Design Challenge

Part I: Interviews with Stitchjones

Part II: Styling Brights

Part III: Patterns!
Noriko - Torrance mitts (Ravelry)

1 comment:

Kat Riddell said...

Yay for weird clothes! I think this shawl pattern is so much fun, and I love the colorway that you guys developed for it. Also, that dress is probably the cutest thing ever :D