Crazy news: today, in Ohio, it was warm enough to wear this without a coat.
Cardigan: Tea Time, by Martin Storey in Rowan Classic Summer - the first sweater I ever finished. (Note I didn't say the first sweater I ever knit.)
Skirt: The Gap, spring 2008
Belt: Magician's Scarf by Marilyn Webster, an Alchemy pattern
Leggings: Hah! They are not, in fact, leggings, they are the magical and amazing SmartWool long underwears that keep my legs from freezing off in the winter.
Boots: Miz Mooz. Oh my goodness, I am in mad passionate love with these boots.
I felt quite daring, wearing two shades of pink in the same outfit.
Perhaps the second best part about mid-March.... oh yeah, it's Girl Scout cookie time.
I love the cardi...the pinks are very springy!
So maybe you don't have an eternity of coat weather left in Ohio this winter. But I guess it means you don't have to hide your pink under coats. Awesome!
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