Spring break! My friend Emily and I drove to Vestal yesterday, listening to bad 90s pop and driving through long stretches of flat, brown land alongside a lot of trucks. This week is set up to be really relaxing - no plans except writing my midterm and getting some reading done.

So the only projects I brought on this trip are ones that I've already started and need to finish. This little Multnomah in Ella Rae Lace; a silk shirt that's been on the needles since last summer; some gloves and another shawlette - this time, Ishbel in a red beaded mohair. I like having a lot of projects, but it's starting to feel bogged down, and I figure a week off is as good a time as any to work on them.

I also forgot to bring more than one pair of earrings. Luckily, the ones I did bring are the perfect: a pair of Tasi earrings. A little rustic, a little formal, and a lot pretty. It's the same designer as a necklace I bought about six months ago and is one of my go-to pieces for days that I want to wear jewelry.

I'm still feeling pretty burnt out. I fell asleep at 11 last night and slept until 10, but it's almost starting to feel like break now that I'm done writing 4 pages of my 8-10 page paper. I'm definitely ready to check out some yarn stores, hang out with my friend's cats, and knit a whole lot.
Happy weekend!
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