It's been a while, eh?
The last two weeks have been... exciting, let's call it. This outfit was from Valentine's Day - the shirt is a gorgeous blouse by Samuel Dong (who I have just discovered and am now a touch obsessed with) that may just be the most perfect-fitting shirt I've ever owned. The material is a really interesting texture - a little bit rough, and holds its shape almost architecturally. And it's hard to see here, but it's one of my favorite shades of green: olive. It took me a long time to love the olive, but I've found that in the right shade, it looks awesome with my complexion.
Blouse: Samuel Dong
Pleated grey skirt: Vintage purchase from Stella
Tights: Hue, free from the Big Swap! (page down for details)
Sparkly flats: Skechers Fall 2010
Cardigan: GAP Fall 2008

I've also started another project, to be done as a knitalong at Smith's. I'm using Classic Elite Firefly to make the Honeysuckle Cardigan (Rav link, normal link), in a really beautiful smoky, almost metallic grey. It was really coming along until about a week ago...

When I suddenly got a flare-up of tendonitis in my left wrist, and subsequently didn't knit for five days. And whined. And buried my face in yarn a lot. The wrist is on the mend, so hopefully I'll be able to keep chugging along and have more to share soon! I will also have pictures of an amazing new coat, hopefully in the next couple of days, as long as the weather cooperates.
I have just discovered Hue. LOVE. (Also, I initially wrote that as "Hugh." Fail.)
Oh no! That sucks about the tendinitis! I had it in both my wrists a couple months ago and couldn't knit for practically a month. I now have a bunch of projects going in all different yarn weights to help prevent another flare up! Take care of your wrist, your sweater looks gorgeous so far!
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