Thursday, January 2, 2014

Happy New Year!


Misters Pooper and Squishy - as Garth and Wayne are called these days - would like to wish you a happy New Year!

With the turning of days, I've been warming up to some ideas for the coming year.  I hesitate to call them resolutions, or even goals, really - it's more like a fuzzy idea of the things I'd like to do in order to become who I'd like to be.  In the tangible: to cook and read more, to knit up more of my yarn stash, to sew more, to blog regularly, to fully recommit myself at school.


The less concrete goals: to push myself to connect with others, to let go of the guilt of not knowing where I'm going, to let myself be inspired.  To look forward, but also to look around.

I had a really good conversation a few weeks ago with a friend, and among the subjects were mentorship, potential, and feelings of loss and failure.  I've been thinking about that conversation a lot as I've been considering the new year, especially as I try to let go of old things to make room for new ones.

Although I'm tempted to exactly outline the sparkly, new-wardrobed Cory who will be writing this same post in a year's time, I'm more inclined to leave it fuzzy:

2014 will be a year of building both humility and confidence;

a year of being a student of many things;

a year of quiet and constant growth.

At least, that's my hope.

Cory and <30~ <30~

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