Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I've Made It To My Second Decade (And By Second, I Mean Third)

Today is my 20th birthday. For some reason, no matter how old I am, I always love my birthday. This is the first time I haven't been home on April 15th for... well, ever. My mom sent me a package that I opened this morning, which was full to the brim with small but wonderful presents.

A whole lot of yarn. The orange skeins are from a spinnery in Bellingham, Washington, a little artsy town near the San Juan Islands. They are unbelievably soft. It's funny, because this yarn isn't the kind that I'd normally pick out for myself, but it's still very much within my yarn personality... sometimes I think that my mom knows me better than I do.

The rundown:
1 skein of Colinette 100% silk in a luminous pink color, colorway Copperbeach, 117 m.
2 skeins Spincycle Yarns Bluefaced Leicester worsted weight, colorway Fallen Leaves, 120 yards each
2 balls Panda Silk, a bamboo/wool/silk blend by Crystal Palace, color 4007, 204 yards each

I'm fairly sure that someone is going to have to mop me up off the floor later tonight. I am absolutely overdosing on fibers, and it feels so good.

Also included in the package was this adorable necklace, which is two-sided and is just so cute I can barely contain myself.


"I love you so much, I could eat your face!"

My roommate also got me a pair of pink rainboots (so now I can stomp in puddles asjkdfjjjj), and my boyfriend has been conspiring with her to do something for me tonight. I feel so loved!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Man, looks like you got some good gifts. I'm jealous, of course.

As for spinning, I'd definitely say give it a try. It's fun, and fairly easy to pick up, at least on the spindle. I've yet to try a wheel, but oh, am I wanting one.

Anonymous said...

Ooooooooooo and Awwww!