Today it rained while the sun shined. The front of the neighborhood bar has been ripped out for renovations, and my haven from 5-7 pm on Fridays when all my favorite people come out for cheap drinks and good company is boarded up and covered in brick and sawdust. I sometimes forget that Oberlin gets lonely on weekends - actually, in general, I've become less and less enamored of weekends as my time here has gone on; I like having lists of things to accomplish and then checking things off one by one, and it's harder to do that on weekends. I have a pretty big list for the summer, including learning an extra 200 kanji, reading at least 10 books, knitting omiyage (thank you gifts) for my soon-to-be host family in Japan, and doing all sorts of ridiculous weaving/dyeing/knitting projects. Oh yeah, did I mention? I got into my study abroad program for the fall! I've been packing and planning and sending out paperwork all week.

It was funny the way the light hit the rain today - one of those freak rainstorms while it's perfectly beautiful and hot outside. It was like the sky was heaving a big sigh of relief.
And, speaking of knitting omiyage, I made a little trip out to French Creek Fiber Arts today to pick up a pair of Addi lace needles in size 6 US. Somehow I thought that I had a pair, but I soon realized as I was pawing through my needle stash that in fact, I had hallucinated it. So this is a shiny new project, planned to go to my host mother/sister: the Lilac Leaf Shawl from Knitted Lace of Estonia. Yep. I'm obsessed. I have decided, though, that for the scarves, I much prefer the cable cast-on (not traditional, though - yikes!). It's stretchy, and especially when the yarn is doubled, it almost looks like a braid at the edge. I suppose my singular dedication to Crown Prince had to end at some point. Sigh. And I moved on to one of his many pretty sisters, no less.

Congrats on getting into the program!!
We should hang out and knit sometime. Or barring that because of business, we should totally pass by on the street to say hello. I haven't seen you in ages.
I'd love to see you! I'm around a lot so far - just let me know what works for you. Perhaps we can set up dinner/knitting nights once a week?
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