The weather yesterday was warm for Seattle, which is to say, about 65 degrees. To normal people, that's still long pants weather, but I decided that sunny means warm, damn the actual weather. I went on a supply run to the fabric store, got coffee and sketched for a while, then went in search of a set of Moleskine journals with grid paper, unsuccessfully. It was nice to be outside in the sunshine, at least! This outfit also made me feel like a teenager, what with the pigtails and comfy little dress.
These shoes are ridiculously comfortable, despite the sky-high platform. Sometimes platforms make me a little too wobbly, but these ones barely feel like they have a heel at all - however, they still suck for driving, so I cheated and wore flats and then changed shoes at my destinations. Although, I totally did an extremely elegant trip wobble wobble eep SAVE!!! in front of an unassuming man on the sidewalk, but I was too mortified to look at his face. I must not get too cocky with these heels, methinks.
Hooded jersey dress: Mystree
Yellow cardigan: Halle Brothers, thrifted
Llama necklace: Madewell
Multicolored sandals: J Shoes
OK... first of all... I think I need that dress. HOW CUTE! The shoes!! I couldn't wear them to chase Beeper around but I can dream. The moleskin grid paper... did you try Barnes and Noble?! We were just there the other day and they had a huge table of them in packs of 2-3.
I highly suggest checking out the University Bookstore. The one in Bellevue may not carry them as they don't have as large of an art section, but the one in Seattle in the University District has plenty of them, I'm sure.
I was poking around for Fluevogs on ebay and found these:
They reminded me of you!
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